We encourage patrons to take advantage of Lands Point Winery & Vineyards' unique accessibility by water.
The winery is accessible via a dinghy beach on our shoreline and a dinghy floating dock at our pier.
Weekend visitors should consider the following marinas, which are located a short distance from Lands Point Winery & Vineyards.

The Wharf at Handy’s Point North & South
Our closest neighbor marina located directly across Worton Creek from our winery.

Worton Creek Marina
Located a short distance up Worton Creek from our winery and offering marine fuel, full service, and a ship’s store.

Safe Harbor Marina at Great Oak
Safe Harbor Marina at Great Oak located nearby on Fairlee Creek is a member of the esteemed Safe Harbor group of marinas. It boasts an excellent location, pristine views, marine fuel and service, and a full-service restaurant.

Tolchester Marina
Tolchester Marina is located at marker buoy 21 approximately 8 miles south of Worton Creek and offers a full-service marina, restaurant, and marine fuel.